Currently I live in Denver, Colorado, but I am originally from St. Louis. I liver here with my one son and we enjoy all the fun outdoor things there are to do such as hiking, camping, hot springs, and cruising the mountains. When I’m not making jewelry or writing I enjoy yoga in my spare time, reiki, cooking, decorating, crafts, reading, astrology, self improvement, and live music. I have two cats Floyd & Bjork, a bearded dragon named Jim Morrison and an ever so pleasant snake who many love to hate that goes by Stevie Nicks.

My Jewelry is my creative outlet. I love it. I love all forms of art, but have never enjoyed or looked forward to making something so much as I do my jewelry. I choose stones that I feel have an energy to them that will help heal the wearer and bring them into alignment with their highest and divine plan. All my jewelry upon sale are cleansed and charged with these intentions along with love.

I want my blog to help inspire women create and live a life with intention and meaning. I’ve recently dived into my past and have discovered why I repeat the same patterns over so many times. I’ve learned a lot on this journey so far and hoping to inspire some other females to dig in and get down to the dirty, nitty-gritty, raw emotions and feelings that we ALL have.

A lot of this work stems from our childhood. And my friends, once you see the patterns and your eyes are open… there is no turning back. The work isn’t always rainbows and butterflies, but it is rewarding and will bring you to a new and improved happier chapter in your life.

I have trauma. Everyone has trauma in some sort of way. Everyone stores it and perceives it differently. No ones is greater or less than another. I’ve been an alcoholic, I’ve been an addict, I’ve dated addicts, drunks, narcissist. I’ve been sexually abused, emotionally abused. I’ve been a serial dater. And once I decided I did not want to repeat the same patterns anymore and no longer wanted to live in the past. My life changed. I learned and accepted that I am the only one responsible for me, my feelings, what happens. And I have the choice, I always have the choice to choose how I want my life to be. So if you can relate you are not alone. I see you <3

I am mother to one son. I want to consciously parent him without passing down my trauma because trauma is generational. This work isn’t just for you alone, but for your family and your children and for their children and theirs.



I encourage comments and feedback or any ideas for new material. I am here for support, if you have questions, then I will answer. Do not be afraid to reach out. Doing this work can be hard and challenging and painful and their is not one question in the universe that is too silly or stupid to be asked and answered. And I will always have an open heart to anyone that needs someone to talk to.

I have also done Doula training so I have a lot of great resources and reading material if you are interested. All about the  tribe and I want to create a community here where everyone feels safe and free to speak their minds.

Feel free to reach out to me and say hello. I am on Instagram, Pinterest, and you can always email me, or comment here!

Stay Happy,

