The Tribal Chakra & its effects on the Collective

Oct, 09, 2020
I mentioned in my previous post that I had more to mention about the Root Chakra and its effects on the collective. 
The Root Chakra is also know as the Tribal Power Chakra.
The archetype of tribe or tribal energy connects to group identity, group force, group will power, and group belief systems.
So im going to pause and say think about what is happening in our world today as you read this…
The root chakra being at the Base is one of the first energy systems to form and activate while we are children. The second one ( the sacral chakra) doesn’t start until around the age of 7.
The root or Base Chakra IS THE FOUNDATION of all other chakras in our body. It is THE FOUNDATION OF EMOTIONAL & MENTAL HEALTH.
Our emotional and psychological STABILITY originate in our family unit & early social development. 
We are wired to be part of a tribe. We are born and are completely dependent of our tribe fo basic survival needs: food, shelter, clothing. We are energetically designed to live together to learn together and to need one another. 
Fears relating to the tribal power Chakra are of physical survival, abandonment by the group & loss of physical order. 
We are all connected. Our energy intertwines, bounces off, absorbs, creates thoughts all through relating through each other. 
Collective Consiousness.
This is where the sacred truth of “All is One” lives.  “We are connected to all of life and every choice we make & every belief we hold influences all of life.”
The Root Chakra is connected to our immune system. Just like the tribal energy keeps us alive and surviving. The immune system does the same for our bodies protecting us from external forces. 
When ones root chakra is put of balance our immune systems are weakened. Like wise when tribal challenges come up that go against our tribal beliefs or threaten our safety our immune systems become weakened. 
One thing that is very prominent right now is fear. Fear of surviving, fear of our careers, fear if we have security and a place to call home.
Who is instilling that fear?
Fear is an attack at our first chakras. A weak first chakra will further you to believe in all the fear, weakening your immune system… what happens when you have a weak immune system? You’re susceptible to getting sick. 
And there is science in that. Fear & stress activate the fight or flight response causing certain hormones and Chemicals to shift by activating the sympathetic nervous system & stimulating the adrenals to release hormones in our bodies to prepare for either fighting or running for our lives… which is meant for short term, but fear causes us to stay in this mode for long periods of time. Throwing the body off balance.(side note adrenals are also connected to the root chakra)
What else is challenging our tribal power right now…. separation.
We are not meant to live seperate. We need connection. 
Right now we are told we must keep a distance work from home learn from home, not go outside. 
When connection is a basic need! It weakens our first chakra. Weakens the roots weakens the foundation. What happens when the foundation isn’t on solid ground? We collapse. 
Mental and emotional health is related to this. There is so much depression, and anxiety and loneliness right now. 
This stuff is so interesting and how in all weaves in together. I challenge you to start looking into your personal energy systems, your personal beliefs and notice if they are your own or part of the tribe that may no longer be serving your highest good. 
Take care of your roots. Transmute things that no longer hold true for you. Heal the Base, the foundation, your root chakra, and collectively help heal others through doing so.
To read more about the root chakra and other lower chakras read this other article I wrote The Lower Chakras
October 15, 2020


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